Complete PHP Form

//  == Complete PHP Form ==
//  note you will need an emails.txt file so this form know where to send it's info Download this from the "DocMon" files FTP

$num = 5;
$result = $num * 'hello';
//$today = date('Y');
//echo $result;

// if the form has been submitted 
if ( $_GET['action'] == 'send' ) {
  // if email isn't blank and message isn't blank
  if ( $_POST['email'] != '' && $_POST['message'] != '' ) {
    // make sure email address is in the proper format
    if ( preg_match('/(.*)\@(.*)\.(.*)/', $_POST['email']) ) {
      // create an array from the emails.txt file - these are the emails this for is being sent to.
      $emails = file('emails.txt');
      // this would be a string
      $email_list = file_get_contents('emails.txt');
      // semd the message to each address
      foreach ( $emails as $email ) {
        // send to this address
        $to = trim($email);
        // with this subject
        $subject = ' Form Completed by' . " " . "$name";
        // and this message (removing spam from the message)
        //$message = remove_spam($_POST['message']);  This was the orgianl gefor I made the message change JK
        $message = ' Form Completed by' ." ". "$name" ." ". "$phone" ." ". "$message" ." ". 'form was completed on' ." ". date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');
        // from this address (escaping all inputs for potential spam injections)
        $headers = 'From: '. remove_spam($_POST['name']) . ' <' . remove_spam($_POST['email']) . '>';
        // send mail
        mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
        // tell the user it worked
        //echo '

Thanks for the message!

'; //echo '

Message sent to: '. $to . '

'; ** this line will show all the emails the form was sent too JK $count=1; // this is the counter for the email JK $count++;// this increments up for each email address in the list JK } echo 'Thank You' ." ". "$name" . "‚ " . 'Your message was sent to our Tech’s at'; //this leaves a message that # of emails were sent counter $count removed JK } else { echo '

Invalid email address!

'; } } // otherwise, print an error message else { echo '

Missing required fields!

'; } } function remove_spam($str) { // email headers that we don't want users to submit $bad_headers = array( 'to:', 'from:', 'bcc:', 'cc:', 'content-transfer-encoding', 'content-type', 'mime-version' ); // loop thru each element of the bad_headers array foreach ( $bad_headers as $h ) { // replace the value of $h with this text (if it exists in $str) $str = str_replace($h, '(maybe a spam header)', $str); } // don't allow any html $str = str_replace('<', ' ', $str); $str = str_replace('>', ' ', $str); $str = htmlentities($str); return $str; } ?>[/code]
For information about our services, please complete the form below.
We will get back to you promptly.

Your satisfaction is our priority!

Your Name: &
Your Email Address:
Your Phone number:

Problems you are experencing:

Please note all above fields are required.
r privacy is our priority we will not share any of your information.
