You can get a list of all the available software installed on your Windows System. The below Power Shell script will put all the info into a file and in table view so that you can print it out.
You can get this infomoration several ways:
- PowerShell - appears to be most detailed
- CMD via wmic - gives a very basic report
- Python - more to come
- Go to start menu and search for Power Shell -> right-click and open as ADMIN
- The copy/past the below scrip and make any needed changes
- You txt file will end-up at the root of drive C:\ unless you changed the destination
- Code Below will be in table format and the returning information may be truncated to 15 charactors
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize > C:\InstalledProgramsPS_todaysdate.txt
- The below code will give you a list op programs in data format. This will return all fields in full view
- you should notice the | Format-Table - AutoSize has been removed
Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, InstallLocation, URLUpdateInfo > C:\InstalledProgramsPS_01102019_1433.txt
- Listed below are most of the Window's 7 fields you can get information on.
AssignmentType,Caption, Description,HelpLink,HelpTelephone,IdentifyingNumber,InstallDate,InstallDate2,InstallLocation,InstallSource,InstallState, Language, LocalPackage, Name,PackageCache, PackageCode,PackageName, ProductID, RegCompany, RegOwner, SKUNumber, Transforms, URLInfoAbout, URLUpdateInfo, Vendor,Version, WordCount,
CMD - wmic
- Open your start meny and search CMD -> open as admin
- In the command window type wmic - this start the wmic prompt
- copy/paste the below code - modify as needed to fit your system.
/output:C:\InstalledProgramsWMIC_CurrentDateHere.txt product get name,version
- This is based on Python v2 and not tested on every system
[code]## Python Version 2 # This scripts allows to get a list of all installed products in a windows # machine. The code uses ctypes becuase there were a number of issues when # trying to achieve the same win win32com.client # Code from this publisher (Thanks) - from collections import namedtuple from ctypes import byref, create_unicode_buffer, windll from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD from itertools import count # defined at UID_BUFFER_SIZE = 39 PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 ERROR_MORE_DATA = 234 ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87 ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259 ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT = 1605 # diff propoerties of a product, not all products have all properties PRODUCT_PROPERTIES = [u'Language', u'ProductName', u'PackageCode', u'Transforms', u'AssignmentType', u'PackageName', u'InstalledProductName', u'VersionString', u'RegCompany', u'RegOwner', u'ProductID', u'ProductIcon', u'InstallLocation', u'InstallSource', u'InstallDate', u'Publisher', u'LocalPackage', u'HelpLink', u'HelpTelephone', u'URLInfoAbout', u'URLUpdateInfo',] # class to be used for python users :) Product = namedtuple('Product', PRODUCT_PROPERTIES) def get_property_for_product(product, property, buf_size=PROPERTY_BUFFER_SIZE): """Retruns the value of a fiven property from a product.""" property_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(buf_size) size = DWORD(buf_size) result = windll.msi.MsiGetProductInfoW(product, property, property_buffer, byref(size)) if result == ERROR_MORE_DATA: return get_property_for_product(product, property, 2 * buf_size) elif result == ERROR_SUCCESS: return property_buffer.value else: return None def populate_product(uid): """Return a Product with the different present data.""" properties = [] for property in PRODUCT_PROPERTIES: properties.append(get_property_for_product(uid, property)) return Product(*properties) def get_installed_products_uids(): """Returns a list with all the different uid of the installed apps.""" # enum will return an error code according to the result of the app products = [] for i in count(0): uid_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(UID_BUFFER_SIZE) result = windll.msi.MsiEnumProductsW(i, uid_buffer) if result == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: # done interating over the collection break products.append(uid_buffer.value) return products def get_installed_products(): """Returns a collection of products that are installed in the system.""" products = [] for puid in get_installed_products_uids(): products.append(populate_product(puid)) return products def is_product_installed_uid(uid): """Return if a product with the given id is installed. uid Most be a unicode object with the uid of the product using the following format {uid} """ # we try to get the VersisonString for the uid, if we get an error it means # that the product is not installed in the system. buf_size = 256 uid_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(uid) property = u'VersionString' property_buffer = create_unicode_buffer(buf_size) size = DWORD(buf_size) result = windll.msi.MsiGetProductInfoW(uid_buffer, property, property_buffer, byref(size)) if result == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT: return False else: return True apps=get_installed_products() for app in apps: print app.InstalledProductName[/code]
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